VOLUME 1, 1995
Meanwhile, Brad Edwards was proceeding with his
investigative series. Merradyth stressed in her March 1994 letter to
President Hinckley why they went to Edwards: "We aren’t trained
professionals, only concerned parents. We want to protect our children
from this diabolical horror. We turned over all the information we had
gathered to the police and Brad. He did the research. He formed his own
conclusions. He developed his own presentation."
During the week of 20-24 February 1994, KFOR-TV
(Channel 4) aired a week-long series called "Are the Children
Lying?" The first of the five-part series began with a little girl
with a bow in her hair, her face in shadow, talking about children in
"cages" and torturers in "black robes." Roseanne
Hales, her pretty round face full on camera, her voice emotional but
steady, said that she and her five young children had been caged and
abused satanically. She had seen a baby killed. "They’ve killed
lots of peoples’ babies, but I don’t know who they are," she
said. On camera, she showed drawings her children had made during
therapy. One figure of a boy was sitting in a chair with a rope around
his neck while a second stick figure poked the boy’s penis with a
stick. Another showed a nude child with a rope around his neck, and
Roseanne spoke of seeing rope bums on her three-year-old son’s neck
and described a medical examination that had showed rectal scarring in
her eighteen-month-old, a hernia scar in her four-year-old and an
abrasion across the back of his head, while her daughter had "a
calloused vagina." Edwards, summarizing the court documents, said
they contained material "so horrible and disgusting we can’t
reveal it here."
Kay Gillette, the Campbell children’s therapist,
also spoke on-camera. Had these children been ritually abused?"
Edwards asked. "Absolutely," said Kay. She told on-camera the
experience with Preston that she had reported in court, of talking about
his drawing of a cage. He was sitting on her lap quite calmly; but when
she asked him about "the sticks" (bars), he tensed all over,
his body temperature shooting up so fast and so high that it startled
her. She identified it as an anxiety reaction and said there was no way
a child could fake that reaction. Nor could a child invent the kind of
specific sexual knowledge that he had. She also showed Preston’s
drawing of a little boy lying in bed with "Daddy putting his penis
in his mouth." The paper was pitted with holes where Preston had
angrily stabbed it with the marker. The children drew themselves and
their mother in a cage over and over. They said they were put there by
their father and by "a church leader." She showed Charlotte’s
picture of a "witch" holding a dripping knife and the baby
that she stabbed. Charlotte remembers "hearing the baby cry and
seeing blood."
Maxine Hales told how she had become alarmed at
seeing Charlotte French-kissing Preston and Tyler and how repelled she
was, when she and her husband were picking up Charlotte and Preston to
spend a couple of weeks with them immediately after Gabriel’s birth,
to see Peter run his hands over Charlotte’s legs and up into her
crotch several times while he was saying good-bye.
Scott McCallister, a husky and attractive
brown-haired man in his early twenties, described Powell’s embraces
and fondling. "I was really scared," he said. "It hasn’t
been easy coming forward. I’ve only been able to do it after months of
therapy. The only reason why I’m doing this is if I can help the next
fourteen-year-old boy that doesn’t know what molesting was." Jack
McCallister described his own abuse twenty-five years earlier, then, his
voice breaking with emotion, said, "About the time you think you
can’t hurt more than you already do, you realize that—I wasn’t
smart enough as a dad, as a silent survivor of this situation, to help
my own son who was being trapped in this [same] situation."
The series included interviews with other children.
One child’s voice, thin, and wavering, said: "There was one where
there was a slide and there was pigs and chickens and stuff. There was a
swimming pool and they would make us stab them and the blood would drip
down into the pool and they would make us drink it. … It tastes
bad." A six-year-old, abused at age three by his mother and cult
members after his father left for work in the mornings, remembers being
dressed in dark clothing so that people wouldn’t see them in the
woods. When asked about specific memories, he said thoughtfully,
"Well, there was one time they made all these fires and they killed
babies." He remembers the babies crying.
Edwards had contacted the stake president in an
effort to get his response to the allegations, but Fulton had declined
to be interviewed out of fear that he would be "misquoted."
The series also included interviews with law enforcement agencies, with
the parents of a teenage girl who had checked books on Satanism out of
the library, painted "666," pentagrams and other signs on her
door, and threatened to kill her father. Other footage reported cult
crimes, ritual abuse, and legal cases, such as Charles Manson’s.
Edwards dealt frankly with the usual objections to ritual abuse—the
lack of hard legal evidence, the reports of death but the lack of
bodies, and the possibility of false memory syndrome, but returned to
the question that tided his investigative series: "Are the Children
On 23 February 1994, the Yukon Review published
its first article based on the statements of Merradyth and Roseanne
Hales, both of whom were identified as members of the Surrey Hills
community. Merradyth and Jack charged their former bishop (not named in
the story) with sexually molesting Scott in the mid-1980s while he was
between ages fifteen and seventeen. ‘"We know that he’s
[abused] other boys in the church and it does lead into ritual abuse in
the church here,"’ Merradyth was quoted as saying, "‘There’s
others who have alleged [that he] was a perpetrator of ritual
Captain Bill Citty of the Oklahoma City Police
Department explained: "‘Right now, there’s not enough evidence
at this point to file any charges on anybody [in the Hales case] and it’s
still under investigation... We’re not aggressively working on it. …
[The investigation] is not really concluded. It’s kind of at a
standstill. At this point, there isn’t [sic] any more leads that
[detectives] can follow up on. ... It’s not closed, but at this point
there’s not evidence to warrant any charges being filed."
The Yukon Review published a lengthy editorial
calling for "the people of Yukon to... pray for an end to the
horror and madness allegedly occurring in one of Yukon’s area
churches. ... It is the opinion of this newspaper that a fullscale
police investigation should be conducted." The body of the
editorial paraphrased and reported the Glenn Pace memo in detail (ten
paragraphs). Merradyth expressed her hope that more victims would come
Powell referred all calls to his attorney, Arnie
Alden, who said his client "denies the allegations
categorically" and called the accusations "‘a b.s. deal. ...
If there’s any credibility to this, these people ought not to be
afraid to go to the courthouse and have it tested in front of a jury.
... If they had any semblance of intestinal fortitude, that’s what
they’d do."’ Another Surrey Hills resident, who declined to
give his or her name, was shocked at the allegations and said Powell was
"‘a real good family man."’
Dianna Carroll, executive director of the Oklahoma
chapter of Mothers Against Sexual Abuse, was quoted in the Yukon Review
as saying it seemed clear to her that a number of children had been
ritually abused over "‘the last fifteen—possibly twenty—years"’
and that she had talked to ten of the alleged fifty youth victims in
Surrey Hills, many of whom are now in their teens and twenties. She
added that "ritual and satanic occult abuse are extensive problems
across the state" but that "‘there [are] an extended number
of people’ across the Mormon Church involved in such acts. ... ‘We
are talking sacrifices, we are talking mind control through drugs and
hypnosis, and the sexual abuse is quite extensive.’"
The Oklahoma City Park Stake presidency, Leon M.
Fulton, L. Arnold Clinton, and Calvin C. Fleming, immediately sent out a
letter dated 25 February 1994 for all bishops and branch presidents in
the stake to read at the end of sacrament meeting on Sunday, 27
As many of you are aware, the Church has received
negative publicity and has been held up to the view of the world in a
very unfavorable light as a result of a new special on satanic ritual
abuse aired by KFOR-TV during this last week (February 20-24th). It is
the belief of the stake presidency that the membership of the Church
deserves a clarification and explanation concerning the material
presented by KFOR-TV as it relates to the Church.
The KFOR news special indiscriminately intermixed
parts of two separate and distinct situations. One of those situations
involves allegations of sexual molestation of a young man by an
individual Church member and has never contained any allegations of
ritual abuse. The other situation involves allegations of satanic
ritual abuse against a large number of church members.
The allegations of satanic ritual abuse against
various church members stem entirely from one source. That source is a
family involved in a bitter divorce and child visitation/custody
battle. The allegations first surfaced in 1992 and were aired in open
court during the divorce proceedings. Those allegations include
everything from emotional, physical, and sexual abuse of children to
human sacrifice and murder. Although KFOR-TV has chosen to ignore
those things, there is substantial evidence in the court transcripts
and from other sources to question the credibility of the allegations.
The allegations have been investigated by both the legal authorities
and the Church and no substantiating evidence has been found to
warrant either legal or Church action against any Church members
implicated by the allegations.
As evidence of wide-spread satanic ritual abuse
within the Church, KFOR-TV quoted statements from a memo written to
the Brethren by Glenn L. Pace in July of 1990. Elder Pace, then a
member of the Presiding Bishopric, had been approached by individuals
with accounts of ritualistic abuse of children. He was quite disturbed
by these accounts and, based solely upon those interviews, wrote a
confidential memo to the Brethren relating the information he had
gathered. The Church subsequently investigated those accounts and was
unable to find any substantiating evidence for the claims of satanic
ritual abuse within the Church.1
Unfortunately, copies of Elder Pace’s
confidential memo have been leaked to what the Brethren describe as
"Apostate Groups" in Utah and other areas. For the past two
to three years these groups have attempted to use that memo to prove
not only the widespread occurrence of satanic ritual abuse within the
Church but also to prove that the leaders of the Church are involved
in an extensive coverup of that abuse.
The abuse of any of God’s children, particularly
that undertaken in the name of Satan, is totally against every
principle embraced by the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Church has not;
and will never tolerate, overlook, or protect any of those practices.
By the same token, the Church, and hopefully the legal authorities,
will never become involved in a witch hunt which violates the basic
rights of any individual to justice and fair treatment under both the
principles of the Constitution and the guidelines of Church
Unfortunately, some individuals both within and
without the Church appear to [subscribe] to the principles of guilt by
allegation and guilty until proven innocent. Because the Church will
not support these incorrect principles those individuals have sought
to bring public opinion and pressure to bear against the Church. The
result of the latest attempts to bring pressure against the Church,
specifically the KFOR-TV news special, have resulted in the attempted
fire bombing of the Surrey Hills chapel, harassment of innocent
children because they are members of the Church, economic loss to
members in their professions, and [have] adversely affected the
missionary work of the Church.
Our hearts and prayers go out to those individual
members of the stake who have innocently suffered because of these
activities. Our prayers also go out to those members of the Church who
for their own purposes have supported and encouraged the defamation
and public ridicule of the Church. The damage that has been generated
to both the Church and its members is very real and we encourage those
individuals involved to carefully consider the consequences of their
(typed signatures)
While the stake presidency was writing this letter,
the Yukon Review’s Saturday edition reported that Stanley
Dennis Powell was scheduled to appear in Cleveland County District court
on 1 March. Powell, who had been arrested the previous December, had
been charged in Cleveland County by the district attorney’s office on
3 February with soliciting an undercover policeman "to commit an
act of lewdness." The newspaper story identified him as the former
bishop of the "Surrey Hills ward" and the current stake
executive secretary of the Oklahoma City Park Stake. The newspaper
account quoted virtually all of Officer John Bishop’s account of the
solicitation and also reported the accusations the previous fall that
Powell had molested an unnamed teenage boy for more than two years but
that no arrests were made.
In a separate story, on 26 February 1994, the Surrey,
a monthly news magazine published by the Piedmont-Surrey Gazette,
in its February issue quoted Leon Fulton at length charging that the
abuse allegations had resulted in an outbreak of violence. Alluding to
the stake presidency’s letter to the wards, he said that "an
unidentified person threw a Molotov cocktail at the northeast
corner" of the Surrey Hills meetinghouse on Sunday evening, 20
February, at about 7:30 PM, the night that the first episode in the
"Are the Children Lying?" series aired. Fulton described it as
"a ‘liquor bottle with a piece of cloth in the neck."’
Although the "homemade bomb" burned a small area outside the
building and did no major harm, Fulton and the police assumed that it
was aimed for a window. A second Molotov cocktail was apparently dropped
in the street without being ignited. Fulton also reported that members
were being harassed. "‘We’ve had several members call and tell
us their children are being called baby killers and Satan
worshippers.... People are afraid to be in the (church) building and the
leaders are afraid to be involved in youth activities because of
accusations that might be leveled. Everybody’s scared, and it’s
Brad Edwards told Merradyth that there was
"something strange" about the report of violence. A number of
people telephoned the news tip about the fire-bombing to the station,
and probably to other media as well; but when Edwards checked with the
police, no complaint had been made until a day or even two after the
incident allegedly happened.
On the same day, Saturday, 26 February 1994, the Yukon
Review ran a "reaction" story to the allegations,
contacting about fifteen residents of Surrey Hills. All were aware of
the allegations, though several didn’t want to comment. One resident,
who asked not be identified, called the situation "‘ridiculous,’
said he would be ‘totally shocked’ if the allegations were true, and
… added that the former bishop is a ‘real good family man."’
A woman who also asked not to be identified, "said she had heard
youngsters warn against going into a wooded area behind Surrey Hills
Elementary School because satanic rituals were occurring. Doll heads
were reportedly found and a pentagram was carved on a tree. … ‘This
may just be kids,’ she said. ‘I want all children in the area to be
aware that if something like this is going on, they need to be careful.
… If it is, I sure want it stopped."’ She added, however,
"‘I don’t think [the publicity] will help any."’ Three
other residents said they found the allegations "difficult to
believe," also expressing concern about the impact on the community
and irritation at the linking of the alleged abuse with the Mormon
Leon Fulton explained to the Surrey, a monthly
newsmagazine published by the Piedmont-Surrey Gazette, that the
violence had come in the wake of a "‘bitter"’ divorce.
"Church members who have sided with the woman have now implicated
fifteen to twenty other families in the church as being part of the
alleged satanic ring, and allegedly committing ritual abuse against the
three [sic] children and herself. ... Fulton also said the woman …
presented allegations that she had been forced to prostitute herself,
was kept in cages, and had been a victim of mind control." The
paper also quoted Piedmont Police Chief Matthew Boyle as saying that
"he has not been able to interview the alleged victims or their
mother. He said the case remains open, but that investigators are at a
standstill. No arrests have been [made] in the case."3
Roseanne was indignant at the misrepresentations in
this news story and wrote a letter April 30, 1994, to the editor of the
Piedmont-Surrey Gazette, responding to the article published 26
February, "Allegations Spur Violence Against Church." She
To set the record straight, neither Leon Fulton,
nor any other Church leader in Oklahoma has talked to me (nor any
other member of my family) since I left Oklahoma. Matthew Boyle
[police chief of Piedmont, Oklahoma] did go to Texas and interview me.
Witnesses saw him there and talked with him. How can he truthfully say
that "he has not been able to interview the alleged victims or
their mother"?
Boyle had been in contact with her numerous times
from October 1992 to at least the summer of 1993. Roseanne was fully
cooperative. There were numerous phone conversations. He made the
six-hour drive from Oklahoma for in-person interviews, both in his law
enforcement capacity and also as a representative of welfare services.
He taped interviews and took her and Maxine to various sites in
Canadian, Kingfisher, and Oklahoma counties, Oklahoma, where she now
thinks he suspected cult activity, repeatedly asking her what she
recognized. Another interview was taped with Boyle and an investigator
from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation while observers from the
police department and child welfare office watched the taping from
another room. Boyle later told her, "I have no problems believing
you but the OSBI thinks you’re crazy." In January 1993, she had
authorized her attorney to transmit Dr. Sternlof’s psychiatric
evaluation of the three older children to him. Boyle had requested this
report both from Fagin and also from Roseanne, and Roseanne authorized
the transmittal of a copy within twenty-four hours of receiving the
report. He attended the January 1993 divorce hearing, expecting Kay
Gillette to testify about the additional perpetrators. Roseanne also
sent him the items from the house that she and her relatives had found
in November, including a tape from the answering machine of a woman
soliciting sex from Peter. She called at 2:00 PM when Peter should have
been at work, but someone picked up halfway through the message. Boyle
said the tape was blank. Roseanne also gave him other material from the
November trip to the house that she thought might be evidence: sheets
from the children’s unchanged beds, telephone directories that fell
open of themselves with broken spines to pages advertising modeling
agencies, theaters, and banks, and a bloody condom from the children’s
toy box. Boyle said he sent everything to the lab but never told
Roseanne what results, if any, he received.
When she heard the sex-message recording, Roseanne
began remembering other calls from women that she had not even thought
about at the time: messages to "tell Peter that the time of the
meeting has changed to such-and-such," and women who called to say,
"Don’t you know that Peter wants a divorce because you’re
pregnant all the time?" Peter explained these calls as practical
jokes from the men at work. She had called home late at night when she
had been visiting her parents only to hear a woman answer. Peter always
explained that Roseanne must have dialed the wrong number, and she
simply accepted his explanation as reality. "He seldom ate at home,
he was frequently gone until late at night, and he always had keys to
other people’s houses, which he explained as work related," she
now recalled.
Boyle also contacted Roseanne again in June 1993 just
before the final hearing. In Kay Gillette’s office and before Kay and
Maxine, Boyle offered Roseanne "immunity on any charges" if
she would turn any videos of child pornography over to him. He
specifically wanted any tapes that included Stan Powell immediately. She
was "flabbergasted" by this request and searched all of the
videos she had, finding nothing. Although the conclusions of the report
and the children’s memories were very detailed, Peter Campbell was
never arrested.
In Roseanne’s letter to the paper, she also pointed
out that Leon Fulton had attributed to her statements about the children’s
abuse that had actually been made on the witness stand by the
psychiatrists and denounced as untrue Fulton’s statement that Roseanne
had claimed "she had been forced to prostitute herself."
She sent Merradyth a copy of this letter and a cover
letter. She pointed out the discrepancy of Leon Fulton calling the event
"a bitter divorce and child custody battle" when it had been
final for almost a year and also wondered why there had been "no
intellectual curiosity as to why Peter Campbell gave up all parental
rights" to the children.
Maxine Hales told Merradyth about another pair of
puzzling events. Without any prior contact, on 18 September 1994, Elder
Enzio Busche of the First Quorum of the Seventy and Norman Russell, the
regional representative, accompanied by Stake President Roy Franklin
went to Keith’s house, then to Maxine’s and Willard’s, and then
went back to Keith’s home and left a note on his door. The Hales live
forty miles from the nearest airport, so it seemed unlikely that they
were "passing by." Three weeks later on 9 October, when the
Hales’s home teacher was present, a bishop from another ward
accompanied the Dallas Temple president, Elder Lionel Kendrick of the
Seventy, in paying an evening call. "Kendrick’s face registered
surprise when he saw and shook hands with Roseanne," said Maxine.
"He sat in Willard’s chair and talked about his personal
experiences. Never a question or comment about our inactivity. … When
he left, he gave Willard a big hug, patting his back all over. … Two
General Authorities in three weeks! Our popularity is increasing."4
But many of these developments were half a year away.
Back in Oklahoma, during the first and second week in March, President
Fulton conducted a series of individual interviews with the people and
couples who had sided with the McCallisters. He warned them that he was
investigating to see if they were guilty of apostasy or any other
offense worthy of church disciplinary action. He grilled them about whom
they had talked to and whom they had passed on literature to. On
Thursday, 10 March 1994, President Fulton summoned Jack and Merradyth to
their meeting, much of it a rehash of issues he had brought up earlier.
They summarized the meeting a few days later in Merradyth’s letter to
President Hinckley on 23 March 1994. Leon Fulton had told them, they
said, that:
 | The arrest in Norman had nothing to do with [Powell’s]
conduct in Oklahoma City or any accusations our son made regarding
sexual abuse at fifteen. |
 | Powell had struggled with homosexual tendencies his
whole life and this unfortunate publicity has only caused greater
harm to his reputation. His problem should have remained private
information. |
 | Since Scott didn’t relate during any Church
interview that Powell had any direct genital contact with him nor
have penetration he [Powell] couldn’t be considered a true
pedophile. |
 | Powell was not a pedophile because a pedophile has
multiple victims; and since no one else has come forward with any
accusations there weren’t any other victims. |
 | Because Powell didn’t use any force on Scott to
have sexual activity with him, Scott participated willingly, and he
[President Fulton] didn’t consider it to be pedophile-type action
regardless of Scott’s age. |
 | Fulton would have no problem if his son or any
other young man in our Church goes on a camp-out with Powell and
they slept together in the same tent. |
 | The McCallisters are the ones with the problem
because he knows of no other family in the entire stake who has had
any experience with sexual abuse like ours. It must be a genetic or
an environmental weakness in our family. |
 | There is never a need to do any background checks
for deviant behavior among Church leaders who work with the youth.
There are very specific checks and balances in place to prevent
problems from occurring. |
 | There is absolutely no ritual abuse taking place
anywhere within the organization of the Church that can be proven to
exist. There is no cause for concern or further investigation from
any other source. |
 | Fulton said he believes Scott "believes"
he was molested, but false memory syndrome is the probable cause for
his belief along with being influenced by others who are irrational
in their thinking. |
 | Fulton scolded Merradyth for passing out obscene
pornographic material [Powell’s police record] on "every
street corner to every man and his dog" by making available the
arrest record [of Powell] and other public documents to other
parents we felt weren’t fully aware of the situation. [We felt
they] needed to be warned so they could protect their own children.5 |
Merradyth countered, "You’ve been notified
that there are perpetrators in our ward, and you’ve done nothing about
warning the other parents. That was a big part of my motivation."
Jack tried another approach. "You made it clear
that it was Powell’s word against Scott’s without more evidence.
Then we found out about the indecent exposure. Might that indicate any
kind of character flaw to you suggesting that Powell might have done the
same thing to other kids? Would it possibly indicate he’s not fit for
a leadership position, especially if he’s around youth?"
Once again the stake presidency insisted that the two
events were separate, that the stake leaders were handling it, that
there was no need to "warn" anyone in specifics, and that
Merradyth was out of line in continuing to distribute literature. Once
again Merradyth affirmed her intention of continuing to do so until she
felt confident that children were no longer at risk.
On Saturday, 12 March 1994, another story in the Yukon
Review noted that Stan Powell "no longer serves" as stake
executive secretary. If the newspaper accounts are accurate, he had been
serving in that position as recently as 26 February, two weeks earlier.
Merradyth, interviewed for the article, insisted, "‘Jack and I
love our religion when it’s pure—but it’s gotten all messed up
with power. … We’re not for fighting against our church at all. We
love members in our church, but we don’t want them to be hurt."’
The article continued: "The accusers and victims’ advocates have
said they are not trying to single out any church denomination for
involvement in ritual abuse. The problem is in Yukon, Jones, Choctaw,
and Piedmont in particular—but ‘I don’t think there’s any
community that escapes it,’ said Jacque Kahre of the Oklahoma
Coalition for Victims’ Rights. ‘Those who perform rituals in
church[es] are often "well-respected" members,’ she said.
‘Some people higher up in the Mormon Church have … tried to bring
this out in the open so it can be dealt with properly, while others
haven’t—as in any organization."’6

Endnotes (Click on the Back
button to return to the reference.)
It is not clear where or to whom the General Authorities made these
statements. There were no public reports of any
"investigation." When interviewed in October 1995, a woman who
served on the Governor’s Task Force on Ritual Abuse, organized in
March 1990, said she had no knowledge to either confirm or deny that any
Church officers had conducted an independent investigation of the sixty
survivors to whom the memo referred. She also had heard no reports that
the memo had been discredited in official Church circles. She did,
however, confirm the existence of the memo and had heard parts of it
read by Elder Pace before its publication.
2 Conrad Dudderar,
"Residents Unsure of Ritual Abuse Allegations," Yukon
Review, 26 Feb. 1994, 1-2.
3 Tim Farley,
"Allegations Spur Violence Against Church," The Surrey: A
Special Edition Published by the Piedmont-Surrey Gazette, [26]
February 1994, pp. 1-2.
4 Maxine Hales, Letter to
Merradyth McCallister, 11 October 1994.
5 Merradyth McCallister,
Letter to President Gordon B. Hincldey, 23 March 1994; interview notes.
6 Conrad Dudderar,
"Parents Alleging Cover-up," Yukon Review, Saturday, 12
March 1994, 1,5.